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9th Biennial PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus

The Hellenic Observatory will be hosting its 9th Biennial PhD Symposium on Contemporary Greece and Cyprus on Saturday on 15th June 2019. The core aim of the Symposium is to provide a platform for exchange and to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas between young scholars currently undertaking research on Greece and Cyprus. The closing date for receipt of the ‘Abstract Submission Form’ is 19:00 (UK Time) on 19 February 2019. All applicants accepted to give papers will be eligible for travel grants due to the generous support of the A.G. Leventis Foundation.

The Symposium is an initiative that the Hellenic Observatory undertook in 2003 and we are pleased that we have been able to sustain and develop it. Over the years the Symposia have attracted PhD students from many different countries, facilitating their contact and collaboration with their peers. The PhD Symposium intends to help graduate research students to overcome the academic isolation associated to PhD research, to ‘try’ their ideas and findings on wider audiences, and to establish new collaborative links across disciplines. Additionally, it enables young researchers to engage with a wider academic community, including academic members of staff at the LSE, and a number of other distinguished scholars who participate as discussants at the Symposium.

For more information about the Symposium, please, visit the Hellenic Observatory website or contact .