Ευρωπαϊκός Φοιτητικός Διαγωνισμός MorpheusCup 2016
Δελιτε το παρακάτω μήνυμα που αφορά στον Ευρωπαϊκό Φοιτητικό Διαγωνισμό MorpheusCup. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες ανατρέξτε στο σύνδεσμο MorpheusCup.
Here are more details on the MorpheusCup, the first European championship between schools and universities, which will take place on May 10th 2016 in Luxembourg.
It will be an opportunity for you to offer a genuine international and free experience to your students during an event bringing together around 6,000 digital leaders:
- Compete with hundreds of European students
- Meet the stars of the digital world
- Win a € 50,000 prize
- Win the Cup or one of 18 thematic awards
- Submit your ideas to 200 investors
- Champion your project to experienced investors
- Raise your school’s international profile
- Make contacts with recruiting companies
The Cup is an opportunity for them to demonstrate their skills and talents, to promote their university, and to foster relationships with several hundred recruiting companies.
Participation is open to all students and all universities, and registration is free. All students have to organize themselves into teams of three and register before March, 18th. There is no limit on the number of teams per university.
They will also, in parallel, have to submit a detailed project to the panel of judges before April, 22nd on one of the following subjects: coding, design, engineering, legal, FINTECH, mobility, business, healthcare, food, climate, sharing as well as two new topics: space and procurement. This panel of judges will comprise notable figures in the international digital world; details of its members are available at
All teams will be welcome in Luxembourg for this Championship, subject to availability: we therefore recommend that you register quickly, in order to ensure your attendance to the event.
The winners will receive a total of € 50,000, distributed as follows: € 20,000 in cash, € 10,000 on training, € 10,000 on materials and € 10,000 on fun.
The event will take place on May, 10th. On the second day (Wednesday 11 May), the teams will also have the opportunity to present their project to the members of the panel as well as to partners, investors and entrepreuneurs.
The Morpheus Cup will take place during the ICT Spring, the European event focused on Customer Experience innovation, bringing together around 6,000 digital leaders, entrepreuneurs, startups and investors from over 70 countries.
We will be delighted to host your students for this unique championship!
For further information, please see the attached brochure that you can send to the students and our website: Please feel free to contact us for any additional information.
The MorheusCup Team