I. Kostarella (Ass. Professor) ikostarella@jour.auth.gr | IP5000 | Covering cohesion Policy – A MOOC for European Journalists | 6 | Wednesday, 11:30-14:00 | C1, (4th floor, 12, Vas. Irakleiou) |
M. Tzoannopoulou (Asst. Prof.) marijo@jour.auth.gr | IP2100 | Writing for the Print Media | 6 | Tuesday, 17:00-19:30 | Hall 4 (Law School Building, 1st floor, main campus) |
D. Kazana (Instructor) dkazana@jour.auth.gr | IP4500 | The Language of Propaganda in the Media | 6 | Thursday, 11:30-14:00 | D1 (4rd floor, 12, Vas. Irakleiou) |
F. Galatsopoulou (Instructor) fgal@jour.auth.gr | IP5200 | Sustainable Tourism and Media | 6 | Monday, 11:30-14:00 | D1 & Lab 4th floor (4th floor, 12, Vas. Irakleiou) |
M. Tsousia (MA, PhD candidate) mariats@jour.auth.gr Z. Ververopoulou (Ass. Prof.) zoiv@jour.auth.gr | IP1900 | Writing Personal Columns in Newspapers, Magazines & Blogs | 6 | Monday 14:30-17:00 | C1 (3rd floor, 12, Vas. Irakleiou) |